The Brazilian metropolitan process of social production of the space has transformed and fragmented widely over the last decades. This revealed many important disruptions and news concerning the center-periphery “model” of rapid urbanization precedent of the 80’s. However, it is not anymore about urbanization by aggregation of the precarious peripheries, but a spread form of proliferation.
During this time, the RMBH also went through deep socio-spatial transformations that, when pointing to more spread and fragmented forms of metropolitan expansion, challenges the existing conceptions and instruments of spatial planning.
Within this context, the Metropolitan Macrozoning bases itself on a solidary view of the spatial organization in different territorial scales. This view prioritizes the notions of the PDDI-RMBH: construction of the sense of metropolitan citizenship and solidarity, broadening of the socio-economic inclusion, strengthen of the social and environmental justice, poverty and inequality reduction, increase of the valuation of socio-environmental diversities, and strengthen the outskirts through an inversion of metropolitan priorities.
That said, we perceive the project as crucial for the creation of a more integrated and inclusive socio-economic space on the RMBH, besides looking forward for a better insertion on the national, international and regional sphere.
Yet, the spatial ordering guiding the Macrozoning does not intend to contain the process of creation of new socio-spatial practices nor to be a rigid idealistic and technocratic scheme. The proposed general directives aim to increase the social use of the daily space by encouraging and allowing to surge and to strengthen autonomous, individual and, mainly, collective forms to solve basic needs problems such as housing, work, transport and leisure.
The Macrozoning, for a more wide construction, has three cores – economic, environmental and social – connected through the territorial and institutional nodes focusing on the discussion of the entire metropolitan shapes.
The construction of the MZ-RMBH will not consist of a wide reference for the whole territory, but will take place on the definition of the ZIMs, which are territories where the metropolitan interests overwhelms the local in a specified area. They will be different among them according to a set of urban parameters, the metropolitan interest of each one of them, as well as strategies of territorial restructuration and development, following the metropolitan politics in PDDI-RMBH.
Complementarily, the Areas of Metropolitan Interest (AIMs) will point priority areas for a range of metropolitan politics from the PDDI-RMBH. This way, and differently of the ZIMs, the AIMs are not areas for regulation nor precise spatial delimitation. However, they can also be areas that lack more studies to be defined as ZIMs.
As said above, the macrozoning is not only a technical project. An effective fulfillment of this work’s social function is only possible by overcoming the land tenure structure and the property markets behind the unequal production of the urban space. This sense is completed during the workshops counting on the participation of the inhabitants of cities that converge on spatial and regional problems. To aggregate the popular participation is one of the reasons of existence of the Macrozoning.